Friday, January 22, 2016

My Lovely Girl

SBS Promotional Poster
My Lovable Girl 2014
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Music
Episodes: 16
Starring: Jung Ji-hoon (Rain), Krystal Jung

Plot Summary: Hyun-wook (Rain) has given up two things in his life - music and romance. He shuns himself to the world he used to  live in due to a traumatic incident that involved him and his girlfriend. A passing SUV lost control and collided to their vehicle, in his arms,  his girlfriend died. The accident wouldn't have been if he hadn't stop the car and if they hadn't argue. But fate dawns to the couple especially to Hyun-wook who is left to suffer alone that turns him into a cold and distant man. He settles in Jeju and has no desire of coming back to Seoul.

Se-na is the sister of  the deceased girlfriend of Hyun-wook. She gets herself into trouble with some gangsters. Confused and lost, she calls her sister's cellphone that happens to be, still, in the possession of Hyun-wook. The latter hears a phone ringing and finds that it's his deceased girlfriend's. He hears a lady speaking in distress on the other line wishing that her 'eonnie' is still alive and questions why she left her. The line ends with Hyun-wook being moved with what he hears.  The disturbing call ushers Hyun-wook to locate his girlfriend's sister.

Se-na gets a job in a hotel under an assumed name that she borrows from her best friend to evade the gangsters from getting at her. She comes across a dog named, Dal-bong, that leads Se-na to Hyun-wook who does not recognizes her at all as his deceased girlfriend's sister. The dog seems to like Se-na and that being said, Hyun-wook asks her to dog-sit for him while he is out. Dal-bong is rushed to the vet after ravaging the sausage that Se-na feeds it. Hyun-wook learns sadly from the vet that while treating the dog, a malignant tumor in the stomach is seen. The vet does not recommend surgery at this point because of the dog's age but rather suggests to just make Dal-bong's remaining days as comfortable as possible. Hyun-wook offers Se-na a full time job for Dal-bong's sake in which she gladly accepts. Just as when Hyun-wook hears from the hired investigator that the subject has been found, Hyun- wook is surprised to know that the lady he hires for Dal-bong is Se-na, just an arm's length from him all the while. However, he has just fired her for losing Dal-bong for a brief moment. He comes out and looks for her but the hotel manager has fired Se-na as well due to the trouble she caused that very same night. Hyun-wook runs after her and sees her sitting at the bus stop. As confirmation if she is truly the person he is looking for, he gets his phone and calls the number he saved he knows to be of his girlfriend's younger sister. Se-na picks up to answer but hears nothing. She looks up and sees Hyun-wook right across from where she is. She coolly ignores him and gets on the bus.

Unexpectedly, Hyun-wook settles back to Seoul because of Se-na. He schemes all the ways he can possibly think of in luring her into meeting him again. He likewise orchestrates various encounters but careful not to make it intentional. He is taking his time to make her comfortable with him by ordering lunch boxes everyday. With the twist of events, Se-na is back to dog-sit for Dal-bong. Together, they tend to the much loved dog and makes its life as comfortable and happy as they possibly can.

The Chairman of AnA, Hyun-wook's father, suffers from a major health drawback and wants his son to take over momentarily in the company in which the sole heir initially declines. Meanwhile, sequential events makes Se-na decide to leave Seoul. Though she aspires to be a composer, she is now ready to dump her dream to be one. She previously confronts a person responsible for plagiarizing her composition but was only further aggravated when Se-na was derided. She also wants to get away from the gangsters that resurfaced to hound her with her debts. Hyun-wook catches up on her and offers help with her frustrations.

When all else seem to run smoothly for Se-na, she learns Hyun-wook's relationship with her sister. Bothered by this fact, Se-na tells Hyun-wook that she intends to leave immediately once she has completed her commitment to the company. She can't be with the man she loves knowing that her sister died in so much pain because of him. Hyun-wook cannot hold onto her as he feels that he has no right and takes himself as a terrible guy. Se-na hears from Hyun-wook's best friend that the latter never cheated on her sister contrary from what she was told. The best friend clarifies that he was with Hyun-wook in her sister's wake but was rejected by her mother. Though Se-na's mom knew it was an accident, the mother needed someone to blame and took it out on Hyun-wook who silently accepted.

At the beach, Hyun-wook discloses details about the bond her sister had with Dal-bong. Se-na asks why he allows her to misunderstand him. Hyun-wook opens up that he blames himself for what happened to her sister. After she died, he can no longer write songs nor hear a music playing. He accepts it all to punish himself. Helping Se-na would at least lessen his guilt. She comforts Hyun-wook and tells him that he has already suffered long enough from so much pain. She wants him to move on, leave all behind in the past and just be happy. Dal-bong who is with them, dies in the beach.

Hyun-wook is enraged with his father upon learning his meeting with Se-na and for interfering with their relationship. Se-na leaves a farewell letter and apologizes for not being strong enough to be with him. He tries to get to her but was too late for him. The train leaves and life moves on for the two. 

A year later, Se-na shows up and visits her friend. Soon after, she finds herself in Hyun-wook's house. She walks in and lots of happy memories relive in her mind. Suddenly, Hyun- wook comes home. She hides herself and peeks to see him sitting next to the keyboard and plays a tune. He is writing songs again which makes Se-na cry. Se-na comes out from her hiding place when she sees Hyun-wook leaves but she gets caught off guard when he steps back in. Hyun-wook questions about her sudden appearance and unintentionally spats at her with frustration for leaving him a year ago. He orders Se-na out of his house. Hyun-wook feels bad as he recalls his outburst towards Se-na. He later on apologizes. And to his mind, he plans to get her back. However, Se-na is ready to leave Seoul again for the nth time. In the radio station, Hyun-wook receives a message from Se-na's friend that the latter is on her way back to where she was before. Hyun-woo rushes and uses his radio program to reach out to Se-na on air. He tells her not to move an inch and to wait for him in the train station as he has so much to tell her and how she can leave again just like that! Hyun-wook speeds his way to Se-na before she gets into the train and pulls her in his embrace.

My Thoughts: Waah! I so love the story! My heart went to Rain for suffering alone. I am really moved by him. Rain conveys his emotions well on screen and I feel him on both occasions when he is lonely and when he starts to be cute and scheming for Se-na.  Not bad for Krystal too. I know it's not her fault and she is just expected to follow directions but I hate several parts where her character becomes stubborn for wanting to leave again and again. Once should be enough to show a little bit of chasing and drama on there. I don't see the reason for over doing it.   Other than that, all is good!

My Rating: 9/10

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