This is not a Korean Drama but a reality variety show that was first aired in 2008 on MBC. WGM paired up Korean celebrities to show what life would be like if they were married. There had already been several celebrities who participated the show but I only focused on Hyun-joong and Hwangbo. OMG! I really find it amusing to the maximum level. I have already seen them all but I could not stop watching them over and over again. It's hilarious yet heart warming at the same time. I believe there are about 30 episodes. There are so many vids you can find of the Ssangchu Couple but I selected the best upload with good english subs to share with you.
I didn't know that KHJ has a good sense of humor. He appeared to be awkward on the initial stage of the fake marriage but they finally became close on the latter part. Their farewell was a very touching scene! KHJ is so cute and funny! So irresistible. Not just being a huge fan of KHJ but reason why I opted to only upload this particular couple's segment is because I find the pretentious marriage to be so realistic considering the 6-year gap in age. KHJ doesn't like cheesy stuff with his woman but strives to keep up being a good hubby as he has depicted; and in the end he admits of learning so much from Hwangbo and opens up more of his feelings. He is sweet in his own way which I personally think that he is also like that in real life. In the 8 months of having a reel relationship, the best part for me here is when Hwangbo lost a bet and had to kiss KHJ as penalty. Oh, man! You should take note of KHJ's facial expressions! I giggled a lot! I also like the part where they went to a theme park and rode the roller coaster. I just couldn't help but burst in an uncontrollable laughter! There's so much more! Please watch it and I guarrantee 100% laughter! This couple earned the Best Couple Award in MBC.
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