Saturday, March 12, 2016

Love Story In Harvard

SBS Promotional Poster
Love Story In Harvard 2004-2005
Genre: Romance, Drama, Medical
Episodes: 16
Starring: Kim Rae-won, Kim Tae-hee, Lee Jung-in

Plot Summary: Kim Hyun-woo (Kim Rae-won) is a freshman college student in Harvard University when he meets Lee Soo-in (Kim Tae-hee). He is smart, diligent and serious to become a lawyer someday. He mistakenly perceives Soo-in as someone who would do anything for money when in several occasions he sees her with different old men. He later on learns from a childhood friend that Soo-in is a Medical student from the same university. Hyun-woo's interaction with her helps him understand the hardships Soo-in is going through as it relates to her financial woes. Soo-in engages herself to some odd jobs to get through to life, juggling her time and effort with her studies and part-time jobs. 

Hyun-woo starts on the wrong foot with Professor Keynes, who is a well known tough professor in his department. Though he faces tough times with the professor, Hyun-woo is able to redeem himself and becomes the top student in his class through his determination and goal to become a good lawyer. In this class, he meets a fellow Korean; named, Hong Jung-min (Lee Jung-in), whose father passed away after losing a lawsuit led by Hyun-hoo's father that resulted to company-owned bankruptcy. Hyun-woo and Jung-min have never become friends but just maintain to be civil with each other. They become rival to Soo-in but Hyun-woo is always ahead of Jung-min, even in class.

Hyun-woo and Soo-in falls in love with each other but is preempted by the latter's passion to help the less fortunate through a medical mission. Soo-in left Hyun-woo without bidding goodbye after spending the night together at some place nearby the beach. Though deeply saddened and hurt, Hyun-woo resumes his life and goes back to Korea after graduation. When he least expects, Hyun-woo crosses path with Soo-in after three years. Soon-in is in medical research and does not intend to stay long in the country. Hyun-woo confronts her with a bitter heart but eventually finds forgiveness and is not willing to depart from her. However, during this time, Soo-in is diagnosed with leukemia and the prognosis is not good. As they battle with her terminal condition, Hyun-woo faces many adversaries when he takes in a case that involves an influential individual; named, Jason, who is behind a large corporation responsible for the the many lives who suffers from ill effects of chemical wastes produced by his industrial business; and also founder of the charity foundation, whose inception is to cover up the anomalies surrounding his company. Soo-in has been a volunteer of the foundation without knowing the backbone of its operations. 

Jung-min comes back to Korea with his team to represent Jason's case and is determined to win and bring Hyun-woo down. However, as he digs deeper, he uncovers the true identity of Jason and becomes entangled with his client. Jung-min warns Hyun-woo to drop the case as he knows what his client is capable of doing but the latter refuses to listen. Hyun-woo almost gets himself killed when a car hit him in the middle of the road. He sustains a fractured leg and not for long, he becomes a murder suspect of his own witness that would help him win his case. All of which incidents are perpetrated by Jason to stop him from pursuing the lawsuit. 

With Soo-in's debilitating health, Hyun-woo rushes his marriage with her. Despite his impending arrest for the murder, he is able to seek delay to get through with the wedding before he submits himself. Onset of the wedding, the six-year old daughter of the murder victim shouts the person that murders her father. The murderer is apprehended while Jason flees and heads straight to the airport, but Hyun-woo runs after him. Jason is detained but is immediately released for some reason. Amid all these, Soo-in's condition worsens and a bone marrow transplant is needed to combat her current condition. Just as when Hyun-woo is able to get a donor, Jason intervenes to hinder the transplant from happening as he is set to make Hyun-woo drop the lawsuit. Hyun-woo almost did but Soo-in coerces him not to. Soo-in will not undergo treatment if Hyun-woo will drop the case. 

In the courtroom, both presented their case. To everyone's surprise, Hyun-woo calls his key witness, Jung-min, who decides to help after a heart to heart conversation with Soo-in prior to the day of the hearing. Jung-min, despite the odds in his future career, discloses all information to the best of his knowledge against his client. And to back up the claim, Hyun-woo plays the recorded conversation between Jason and Soo-in. Hyun-woo wins the case and, finally, Soo-in receives her transplant from someone she helped years ago for the same condition. Hyun-woo and Soo-in's dream to have a family is realized with three beautiful children.

My Thoughts: I had read good reviews of the drama and I really think it was overrated. I am not saying that the story is not worth watching. It's just that I felt the romance side of the story was a bit lacking. My emotions remained flat all throughout the story and I was hoping that it could somehow stir some but nothing really that made me so excited for the scenes I have watched. Rae-won and Tae-hee are a master of their craft and they did well of what's being asked from them, so I guess it's not their fault whatever was lacking thereof. I am not disappointed in the least, I probably just expected too much from the story. There were scenes I could not help but flinch from my seat - Hyun-woo seemed to be running all the time, second was when Hyun-woo slapped Soo-in when they finally meet again. He just slapped her without a word and left. I don't think that would be the usual reaction of a person who has been in loved even in her absence and when he sees the person again. Third, was Soo-in's running around, she was supposed to be terminally ill and yet she has the energy to run about to places. Just made me wonder.

My Rating: 9/10

Hit HOME for other Korean Dramas/ Movies to watch for!
Other Kim Rae-won Dramas/Movies: Attic CatPunchGourmet
Other Kim Tae-hee Dramas/ Movies: My Princess

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