Tuesday, March 22, 2016


SBS Promotional Poster
Gourmet 2008
Genre: Romance, Melodrama, Cooking
Episodes: 24
Starring: Kim Rae-won, Nam Sang-mi, Kim So-yeon, Kwon Oh-joong

Lee Sung-chan (Kim Rae-won) is a chef-in-training and is raised by his adoptive father, Chef Oh, the current executive chef of Woonamjeong. Sung-chan is recently promoted to a full pledged chef and is gifted with a set of knives that he lost in transit during setting up in a special event. The second in rank chef, Min-woo, who feels indifferent towards Sung-chan's promotion, sees the latter's set of knives drop on the ground and kicks them away. Sung-chan panics and ends his  cooking demonstraton using his brother's, who is head chef of the restaurant founded by their father. Though there are a few number of people who does not appreciate him, Sung-chan is well loved by the majority because of his upbeat and caring personality with his co-employees. While wrapping up the event, japanese dignitaries show up unexpectedly after they had confirmed cancellation of their attendance. Due to the very short notice, Bong-joo (Kwon Oh-joong), his adoptive brother, together with Min-woo refuse to accomodate the late attendees, however, Sung-chan goes out of his way and cuts them short, announces otherwise that they still have enough ingredients to take in the guests. The japanese dignitaries are happily satisfied and sends good words to the Woonamjeong's executive chef.

Chef Oh is believed to be the grandson of the last royal chef that served the last emperor before japanese invasion. He calls his legal representative to announce the guidelines of Woonamjeong succession. The notice is a huge shock to everyone as they have been expecting Bong-joo to be the successor, being the only true son of Chef Oh. However, it is disclosed that the naming of the successor will be based on skill and character and not by bloodline. A three round competition shall be organized for the purpose of this. Whoever wins will inherit the knife of the Grand Royal Chef and Woonamjeong's management rights.

More than anybody else, Bong-joo takes the announcement with a heavy heart as he has long been expecting to succeed his father. He could not understand his father's decision, nevertheless, he takes on the challenge.  The first task is to create something out of a croaker's bladder. Sung-chan and Min-woo work every night to develop their own dish while Bong-joo only shows up in the kitchen on the day of the competition. Chef Oh acknowledges the unique blend and taste of each entry, however, Sung-chan is able to bring out the flavor of the basic ingredient of his dish thus declaring him the winner for the first round.

The unexpected visit of the chief delegate responsible for the South-North Korean Summit rattles everyone in Woonamjeong. The restaurant is well known for carrying the Royal Palace traditional dishes, however, it is a shocker when the guest requests for a fermented soybean soup, a very basic course. Chef Oh gathers his chefs and presents the unusual order. Sung-chan steps up and confidently offers to prepare the order when his brother and Min-woo drop the ball as Chef Oh states that whoever fails to satisfy the North Korean diplomat will be disqualified for the succeeding rounds of the competition. Min-woo rejoices for Sung-chan's failure as this would mean disqualification from the competition. Worried about the restaurant's reputation more than the succession, Sung-chan takes responsibilty and figures out that the fermented soybean produced by Woonamjeong was the bottomline for his failure. He is able to redeem himself and the name of the restaurant by pursuing the North Korean delegate with his improved fermented soybean soup. On top of that, Sung-chan gives him a box of ginseng preserved with honey for the guest's weak stomach. Sung-chan leaves a commendable impression that the brief meeting lands in the newspaper.

Sung-chan's resourcefulness and creativity did not help him win the second round due to the mistakes that happened during preparation, not entirely his fault but something that Chef Oh views as unforgivable if happened twice.

Sung-chan learns from one of his trusted trainee that Min-woo and Bong-joo plots to sabotage his participation on the final round. Sung-chan confronts his brother, who admits about the plan and asks him to give up the competition. Moreover, Bong-joo discloses what he over hears from the elders about his father's intention in conceiving the competition. As it turns out, Sung-chan is the true descendant of the last Royal chef of the Emperor. Chef Oh uses his own son to motivate and drive Sung-chan, who does not show any interests in cooking until just a few years ago. Chef Oh is giving Sung-chan the chance to prove himself  to be the rightful successor otherwise the much coveted status will be handed over to Bong-joo. Sung-chan's kind heart tells him to quit and give way to the person he sincerely treats as his own brother. And without much ado, he leaves Woonamjeong and becomes a merchant.

Sung-chan's humble living and upbeat personality gains patronage of the ahjumas wherever he goes. They just love him! Though happy with what he is doing, he is just lonely being away from his family and truly sad with how his brother views him. He tries hard not to wallow on self pity which is heartbreaking to see as he approaches his life with a good cheer.

Incidentally, the two brothers come face to face again, but to compete with each other. Sung-chan finds this an opportunity to prove something to his brother while Bong-joo now sees him as a threat and will do anything and everything to win and get him out for good from Woonamjeong, also to show his father that he deserves to be his successor. Bong-joo wins over to Sung-chan's team and soon after, he is named new CEO of the restaurant. Bong-joo's ambition has totally alienated Sung-chan and even his father. Despite the father's plea to preserve the traditional Korean cuisine, Bong-joo is unstoppable with his vision for Woonamjeong. His tranformation into a cold, uncaring and ruthless businessman brings him to his own downfall and subsequently death of his father. Sung-chan's devastation and worry brings him back to save the fate of Woonamjeong from the hands of the japanese world renowned chef. Despite the lack of confidence, Sung-chan's determination, courage, deep respect and love for his late father will give him strength in his battle.

My Thoughts: Gourmet is compelling to watch, even more so Kim Rae-won. I probably wouldn't have watched this drama if it weren't for Rae-won. He has now become my favorite actor because of his ability to act. There is no doubt that he was able to make Sung-chan so real in every aspect depicting the character's weaknesses and fears. There is too much food porn to watch and all are mouth watering. I never felt so hungry in my life while watching the wide array of Korean cuisines. The drama is interesting enough although I would say that there were some slow moments but, I guess, there's a reason to give us more details which I find them necessary as well to complete the episodes. Btw, I praise the director for his attention to detail. Why am I giving this a 9? I am expecting cheesy stuff on the romance side. It won't hurt to add more color on the team up. Over all, it is a pleasant series to watch.

My Rating: 9.5/10

Hit HOME for other Korean Dramas/ Movies to watch for!

Other Kim Rae-won Dramas/ Movies: Attic CatPunchLove Story In HarvardWhich Star Are You From
Other Kim So-yeon Dramas/ Movies: Falling For Innocence

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